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5:23 a.m. - 2014-08-08
So when i left work the other evening I found a ticket on my windshield, left by hospital security. It said that I needed a new parking sticker, and that this was my FIRST NOTICE. You can actually get fired from here for parking violations, so they definitely had my attention.

Got my new parking sticker the next day with no problems, but heard that another employee went down later that day, same reason, and Security had run out of stickers. Close to 500 employees were given tickets over a two-day period.

Heard later that the head of security had brainstormed the idea of pushing the new stickers by issuing tickets at a managers' meeting but had been shot down. The real plan had been to send emails to all employees giving them a grace period to get new parking stickers. But one security officers took it upon himself to go ahead and start writing tickets.

Wonder what impact that fiasco had on our annual Employee Satisfaction Survey?


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